AltiVec Fractal Carbon demo -
a numerically-intensive parallel graphics application that utilizes
the Velocity Engine, Multiprocessing, Carbon and, via
MacMPI_X, parallel computing over TCP/IP.
Parallel Fractal Carbon demo GPL source code -
a numerically-intensive parallel graphics application that utilizes
Carbon and, via
MacMPI_X, parallel computing over TCP/IP.
Also, under the Gnu General Public License, its
CodeWarrior Pro 6 project and its complete source code fully
Carbonized for OS 9 & X.
The original Parallel Fractal Demo -
a demonstration of parallel computing focused on a
numerically-intensive Mandelbrot fractal using the original MacMPI.c library for
communication. Uses double-precision. (64 kB) March 11, 1999
The Parallel Fractal Demo for 680x0 + FPU -
a version of the Parallel Fractal Demo for 68k machines.
Uses the original MacMPI.c library for
communication. Uses long double-precision. (72 kB) March 11, 1999
The Parallel Fractal Demo OT -
a version of the Parallel Fractal Demo for using the MacMPI_OT.c library for
communication. Uses double-precision. (84 kB) April 19, 1999
The original Interactive Fractal Demo -
demonstration of an interactive parallel computing. It's algorithms
used numerically-intensive variations
of Mandelbrot fractal and the original MacMPI.c library for
communication. Uses double-precision. (56 kB) May 18, 1999
The Interactive Fractal Demo for 680x0 + FPU -
a version of the Interactive Fractal Demo for 68k machines using the original MacMPI.c library.
Uses long double-precision. (64 kB) May 18, 1999
The original AltiVec Fractal Demo -
a demonstration of parallel computing focused on two
numerically-intensive Mandelbrot-style fractals accelerated using the Velocity Engine.
Uses the MacMPI_OT.c library for
communication and single-precision vector floating-point. (100 kB) June 26, 2000
The AltiVec Fractal Demo IP -
a demonstration of parallel computing focused on two
numerically-intensive Mandelbrot-style fractals accelerated using the Velocity Engine.
Uses the MacMPI_IP.c library for
communication and single-precision vector floating-point. (108 kB) June 26, 2000
The original Parallel Fractal Demo source code -
source code and CodeWarrior 5 project files for the Parallel Fractal Demo
released under the GNU General Public License. (92 kB) March 26, 2000
Updated Parallel Fractal Demo source code -
updated source code and CodeWarrior Pro 5 project files for the Parallel Fractal Demo
released under the GNU General Public License. (104 kB) July 24, 2000