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    Parallel Computing Manager
Unix Command-Line Interface

Command-Line Control

You may download a tar ball that contains a suite of command-line tools to compile parallel executables with MacMPI, launch jobs through PCM, and queue jobs using a command-line queuing system:

macmpi tar file macmpi.tar.gz compressed archive (144 kB download in .tar.gz)
Requires OS X 10.2.1 or later, the OS X Developer Tools, and PCM v1.7 or later and adminstrator access.

    Contains a readme and documentation and the following utilities:

  • mpicc (requires the OS X Developer Tools to be installed first)
  • mpif77 (requires a f77 compiler)
  • mpif90 (requires a f90 compiler)
  • mpif95 (requires a f95 compiler)
  • mpig77 (requires g77, available from Fink)
  • mpixlc (requires IBM's xlc compiler)
  • mpixlf (requires IBM's xlf compiler)
  • mpirun - launches jobs through PCM
  • pstat - queries for nodes, jobs, and their status
  • pqsub - submits jobs to PCM's queuing system
  • pqstat - queries the status of jobs in the PCM's queuing system

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You may download the source code to a Unix-based executable that allows you to launch jobs from OS X's Unix command line interface:

GZIP tar file plaunch makefile and source code (5 kB download in .tar.gz)
Released under the Gnu General Public License, code that translates Unix command-line options into commands for PCM


You may use the above code at your own risk. The Unix code above should serve many purposes as is, but it is not a panacea. Therefore, please do go ahead and modify the source as you see fit for your particular situation, or use pieces of them to create new tools and capabilities (e.g., a custom queuing system in AppleScript and/or Unix). If your additions could benefit the community, please supply them so that others can benefit. You may also contribute via the parallel-mac-list Mailing List. The code here will be updated over time.

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