Pooch in Use
Pooch is in use at a variety of illustrious institutions
(in no particular order):
- the United States Geological Survey,
- the Biological Engineering Division at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
- the Advanced Photon Source experiment at the Argonne National Laboratory,
- NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
- the Membrane Simulation Group at the Illinois Institute of Technology,
- MGM Las Vegas hotels,
- the Department of Plant Biology at Michigan State University,
- the Science and Technology Education Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
- Chemical Engineering at
the University of Minnesota, Duluth,
- the Department of Biology at the University of Rochester,
- the Department of Physics at Swarthmore College,
- Metropolitan State College of Denver,
- Plasma Physics at the Naval Research Laboratory,
- Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the
Scripps Institute of Oceanography at UCSD,
- the Department of Land, Air, and Water at University of California, Davis,
and elsewhere.
"One of the best pieces of software on the Mac platform. I'm continually
increasingly impressed. It's a really simply beautiful piece of work."
- Professor Noah W. Allen, Deptartment of Chemistry,
University of North Carolina Asheville
Featured Users
MrBayes: Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny |
Professor John Huelsenbeck of U. C. San Diego and
Professor Fredrik Ronquist of Uppsala University
wrote and made available a program named
The program is named for Thomas Bayes because of his theories about probability and,
in this case, their application to biology.
pMrBayes is a parallel application that performs Bayesian estimates of phylogeny.
The program uses Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation technique to approximate
the posterior probability distribution of trees.
The group was able to apply easy-to-use parallel computing to biology.
The Bifrost Cluster |
At Berry College,
Dr. Todd Timberlake of the Department of Physics
and his colleagues created
Bifrost Cluster.
Their research involving the cluster is initially focused on
Quantum Chaos, but they intend to grow its application to a variety of other projects.
They recently had the opportunity to incorporate an additional 25 iMacs into his cluster.
They were able to achieve over 74 Gigaflops of computing power using their system.
Boccio Galaxy-Galaxy Collision Simulations |
Child's First Flight Planetarium Animation
Awarded second place in the world's first
Full Dome Animation Festival
held in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
At Northern Kentucky University,
Dan Spence
and his colleagues in the Physics and Geology Department created
an animation called Child's First Flight for their planetarium.
They used a Mac cluster with Pooch to generate 3900 frames and
full 5.1 digital surround sound for the 2 minute 10 second presentation.
The animation begins with a balsa wood plane flying through a chess set
and continues with a fly-over of a "space plane" with a startling sonic boom followed by
a starry sky then ends with the sound of crickets and his dreams bringing the audience back to Earth.
Kenny's Cluster |
From Dean Dauger: In June 2001, I received an email from a fellow named Kenny.
Kenny was asking about using Pooch to run his cluster of five iMacs but
had encountered a little trouble.
The next day he emailed again saying he figured out the problem and that, after
he remembered to set a few toggle switches, all was well.
I emailed to tell him I was glad that he got it all working, and I asked him about
what he was doing with the cluster, who was he, and where was he.
To my surprise, Kenny's reply was that he was in Hawaii, and that he
was in the sixth grade.
His name is Kenny Holloway. At the time, he attended
Wheeler Middle school and lived on the island of Oaho.
He built the cluster for his GT Technology class.
Later, Kenny was kind enough to give me permission to tell his story
and provide the above picture of him (on the left), his cluster, and
Mr. Fujiyama (on the right), the school's Tech Coordinator who helped him gather the supplies.
We are proud to say we hit a new "low" with this one.
If you would like to join this list, please
contact Dauger Research, Inc.
We would be happy to link to your web site or build a piece of our web site
describing your efforts.
Additional installations of Mac clustering can be found at the
AppleSeed Sites