Parallel OperatiOn and Control Heuristic Application
Pooch is the first to provide a modern, drag-and-drop user interface for
distributing and initiating a numerically-intensive parallel application on a
networked cluster of Macintoshes.
It coordinates the coordination of executables and distribution of data, acts
out commands from other Pooches, and
provides a user interface to start and monitor parallel computing jobs.
Pooch technology allows the user to combine supercomputing-level features with an
easy-to-use, modern user interface, a combination unmatched by any other cluster
Its unique technology design allows it to be flexible enough to operate in a
wide variety of network environments and cluster configurations and while
supporting the largest number of programming environments.
It has supported the industry-standard Message-Passing Interface since day one,
making it easy to write portable supercomputing code on a Mac cluster.
As we continue to innovate and invent, Pooch technology is leading the way for other cluster solutions. Below we
show the "firsts" and other innovations we accomplish with Pooch technology.
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First Mac cluster solution to support seven different implementations of the Message-Passing Interface API:
- MacMPI_X - UCLA AppleSeed
- mpich - Argonne National Laboratory
- MPI-Pro - MPI Software Technology, Inc.
- mpich-gm - for Myrinet hardware from Myricom, Inc.
- LAM/MPI - Pervasive Computing Labs, Indiana University
- MPJ Express - University of Reading and partners (New in 1.7.5)
- Open MPI - Open System Laboratory, Indiana University, and collaborators (New in 1.7.6)
First patented clustering technology on the Mac
First modern user-interface to launch Java-based MPI-like jobs
First to parallelize QuickTime compression from desktop video applications like iMovie and Final Cut
First support Mathematica on clusters using supercomputing-style communication (MPI)
First solution to support Universal Applications on a cluster
First to cluster virtually any combination of Intel or PowerPC Macintoshes, even ones running OS 9
First cluster solution to launch seven application types (see
the SDK):
- Classic applications
- Carbon applications
- Universal applications (New in 1.7)
- Cocoa bundle-based applications
- Mach-O executables (in the background or in the Terminal)
- Unix shell scripts (in the background or in the Terminal)
- AppleScript applications
First Universal Application clustering solution
First Mac cluster solution discussed in podcast interview
First cluster solution to use Dashboard widgets to monitor cluster and job activity
First cluster solution to use Spotlight to search for data in job files
First cluster solution to view the cluster in three alternative views:
- a Node
View for adding news to a job and to display diagnostics about nodes of the cluster
- a Job View to scan the entire network for queued, launching,
running, terminated, and aborted jobs and display statistics about these jobs
- a Network View to scan multiple networks simultaneously
First Mac cluster solution to support customized job queuing using
First commercial Mac application to use Xgrid
First Mac cluster solution to be taken on interstate US tour
First Mac cluster solution in an article identified as a "must-read" in an IEEE/American Institute of Physics publication
First Mac cluster solution featured on William Shatner-hosted national television
First cluster solution to utilize the
"brushed metal" look available in OS X 10.3 and later.
First cluster solution to utilize drawers for commonly used functions:
- the Recent Items drawer displays and recalls
recently used app, files, nodes, and nodes of the remote node scan cache
- the Options drawer accesses all the options of the job
First Mac cluster solution to support five different implementations of the Message-Passing Interface API:
- MacMPI_X - UCLA AppleSeed
- mpich - Argonne National Laboratory
- MPI-Pro - MPI Software Technology, Inc.
- mpich-gm - for Myrinet hardware from Myricom, Inc.
- LAM/MPI - Pervasive Computing Labs, Indiana University
First Mac cluster solution with
an supercomputing-style advanced queuing and scheduling system for retaining jobs until specific conditions
are met
First Mac cluster solution to use a job tracking system designed to monitor the progress and execution of jobs
and retain statistics and other historical data about terminated jobs
First Mac cluster solution to provide
secure resource management, via a modern graphical user interface,
by users and groups, regulating CPU time quotas, job duration limits,
and even rollover minutes! (Pooch Pro)
First supercomputer-compatible Mac cluster solution to automatically acquire
a specified number of nodes or processors in a cluster
- utilizes Pooch's heuristic algorithms via its "Automatically Acquire Nodes" feature
First cluster solution to be
exhibited at WWDC and demonstrated at a WWDC session
First to achieve
1.21 TeraFlops*
on 128 dual-processor Xserve G5 cluster at UCLA!
Mac cluster solution to utilize after-hours computing and unutilized machines
- runs on nodes while they are logged out! (OS X only)
cluster solution with a modern graphical user interface to cluster the Xserve
First Mac
cluster solution to be accompanied by a
series of tutorials
on parallel computing
First to discover, register, and resolve using
(a. k. a.
ZeroConf), then known as Rendezvous, for clustering
- uses Service Location Protocol (SLP) simultaneously
First to recognize and utilize
multiprocessor Macs and OS X multitasking for cluster computing
by automatically launching
multiple tasks on multiprocessor machines (running OS X 10.2.1 or later):
- Parallel applications can use one API to mix
parallel computing both inside a box and across boxes
First to support automated, "Computational Grid"-like cluster access for mainstream applications,
including the ability to choose the "best" nodes automatically by rating them
- For examples, see the
Power Fractal app
the Fresnel Diffraction Explorer.
First cluster solution to support four different user interfaces:
First Mac cluster solution to support customized job queuing using
AppleScript or via Unix command line
First cluster solution to schedule node registration and deregistration
First Mac cluster solution to support multiple implementations of the Message-Passing Interface API:
- MacMPI_X - UCLA AppleSeed
- mpich - Argonne National Laboratory
- MPI-Pro - MPI Software Technology, Inc.
First cluster solution to support:
- Cocoa bundle-based applications
- Mach-O executables (in the background or in the Terminal)
- Unix shell scripts (in the background or in the Terminal)
First cluster solution to be featured in MacWorld (on macbeat)
First Mac cluster solution to be taken on Canadian tour
First to achieve
over 217 Gigaflops*
on a 33-node dual-processor G4/1GHz XServe cluster, the largest calculation then performed using an Xserve cluster
- performed at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory!
First cluster solution on Mac OS X
First cluster solution to install on a node in seconds!
First to employ easy-to-use, modern Macintosh graphical user interface, including
First cluster solution to make it possible to build a cluster in minutes!
First cluster solution to use AppleScript
First cluster solution to support:
- Carbon applications
- Classic applications
- AppleScript applications
First Mac cluster application to support the Message-Passing Interface on OS X
First Macintosh solution to win "most innovative" award at IEEE Cluster
First cluster solution to require a minimum of system configuration - similar to a web browser
First to cluster virtually any combination of Macintoshes running OS 9 or OS X
- demonstrated robustness (other clustering solutions have been known to break due to inconsistencies in the kernel version)
First cluster solution to coexist with other applications, such as Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Office
First cluster solution to not depend on File Sharing, Network File System (NFS), rsh, static host files,
mpirun, the command-line, etc.
First cluster solution to not require modification to the hardware or the operating system
First to dynamically discover resources on any TCP/IP network (10BaseT, 100BaseT, Gigabit, Airport, or combinations)
First Mac solution to actively query nodes for current status and other time-dependent attributes
First Mac solution to determine the capability and capacities of compute nodes on demand
First software used by
a sixth-grader to build a cluster
First to discover and combine resources over intercontinental distances
- nodes in Munich, Germany, have been combined with nodes 6000 miles away at UCLA
First to discover using
Service Location Protocol (SLP) for clustering
Introduced patent-pending technologies!
First to achieve
over 233 GigaFlops*
using 76-node dual-processor Power Macs
at an undergraduate student lab at the University of Southern California!
* using Pooch and
AltiVec Fractal Carbon
For documention, including a
one-page Pooch Quick Start, see the Manual Page.
You can try out Pooch for yourself starting at the
Download Page.
You can also get started at
the Mac Cluster Recipe.